In October 2023 the TOPPAN Group began a new chapter of its journey by transitioning to a holding company structure, with the aim of maximizing synergies throughout the Group. To coincide with this change, we also defined a new philosophy in the form of “TOPPAN’s Purpose & Values.”
Here we present a dialogue between TOPPAN Holdings’ executive vice president & COO, Kazunori Sakai, and one its external directors, Mieko Nakabayashi, about the vision for the new incarnation of the TOPPAN Group and its approach to sustainability management.

Kazunori Sakai (right)
Representative Director
Executive Vice President & COO
TOPPAN Holdings Inc.
Mieko Nakabayashi (left)
External Director
TOPPAN Holdings Inc.
The decision to remove “printing” from the company name
The philosophy embodied by TOPPAN’s Purpose & Values
- Sakai
- The TOPPAN Group was founded as a printing business, but the percentage of our business accounted for by printing on paper is now less than 30%. For some time, our customers have said that we are more than just a printing company, and we discussed changing the name for a while. In that context, we made the decision to remove the word “printing” from the company name when we adopted the holding structure.
- This reflects our decision to put the entire Group on the same trajectory and create social value that goes beyond the parameters of the printing business as we reinvent our portfolio through digital transformation (DX) and sustainable transformation (SX).

- Nakabayashi
- In a time of drastic upheaval, the change of the company name really shows the determination to make a concerted effort as a Group. The rebranding message of “Break through everything. TOPPA!!! TOPPAN,” was launched in 2021, and it feels like the perfect time to venture into a new era, leveraging capabilities in innovation while still honoring the company’s roots. I think 2024 will be a year in which the TOPPAN Group’s ability to get things done will be under even more scrutiny.
- Sakai
- For some time, I have felt that TOPPAN’s image has been one of a passive corporate culture. There has been a culture that reflected our role of working behind the scenes to support the business of our customers and not stepping out into the limelight by ourselves. From now on, I want us to change into a business that is more proactive with bold ideas. This is also reflected in the change of the company name.
- Nakabayashi
- That is also incorporated into TOPPAN’s Purpose & Values. The Purpose & Values will play an essential role in spanning across and unifying the Group through the shift to the holding structure.
- The process of formulating the Purpose & Values was very interesting. It was not decided in a top-down fashion, but formulated with everyone’s participation in an exercise in which the opinions of more than twenty thousand people were sourced both inside and outside the Group. I think this way of doing things, where multiple people’s ideas are consolidated into a single output, is very typical of the TOPPAN Group. I’m sure the process has also provided ideas for creating social value, so it will be worthwhile going back over it.
- Sakai
- It took a lot of work to consolidate everyone’s ideas, but I believe the process was very meaningful in terms of raising awareness within the company. I think having everyone involved in the formulation of the Purpose & Values will significantly enhance people’s level of understanding and ability to identify with them.
- We have always said that people’s perceptive insights and innovation are the source of business growth. The Purpose & Values reflect the strengths and values embodied by that.
- At the core of the “technology and heart” in the Purpose is our ambition to continue contributing to culture and, consequently, people’s happiness and fulfillment through our business. We have been able to clearly set out our desire to expand our business while inheriting that DNA.
- Nakabayashi
- Printing itself has been a form of culture in the sense that it links people. Putting people and culture at the heart of everything is an approach that is very easy for me, and for each employee, to get on board with.
Taking on the challenge of delivering solutions worldwide
Bringing together the strengths of the Group to create value exceeding customers’ expectations
- Sakai
- From a global perspective, we established TOPPAN Business Action for SDGs in 2020 and, following the transition to a holding company, we continue to work towards achieving those targets. We have defined the themes of Environment, Communities, and People under the umbrella of Business Materiality and clearly indicated that the fundamental approach for our business is to address social issues.
- I believe that the most important aspect is that we have also incorporated these themes into our medium-term plans, and the activities of our operating companies and business divisions are linked to the goals.
- Nakabayashi
- I feel that the TOPPAN Group can present sustainability as one of its strengths. Efforts are driven consistently across the Group and reported in detail in the Sustainability Report.
- With drastic developments throughout the world, it will be very challenging to contribute to solutions to social issues not just in Japan but globally. However, I believe the TOPPAN Group can make that kind of contribution through consistent and diligent efforts. The Group has the potential to link people and create a common language through culture, so I hope it can first employ the mindset and technologies it has developed in its domestic market to deliver solutions in Japan and then expand them to the world. In the past this has been done with printing at the core, but from here on, it will be important to continue innovating, in digital and other fields, and branch out to the world with confidence.
- Sakai
- The diligence and dedication that the TOPPAN Group has cultivated are things that we have to place value on in global business as well. I visited some of the Group’s companies around the world again this year and was very happy to see that they have a solid understanding of the Purpose & Values and our business and are taking a positive approach based on the potential they sense for the future.
- However, due to the wide array of solutions, products, and services we have developed over the years, I feel we have not yet fully communicated to customers the complete vision of what the TOPPAN Group can deliver. Going forward, we need to consolidate our structure with TOPPAN Holdings playing a central role and generate even greater synergies across the Group. I want the TOPPAN Group to provide solutions to every kind of social issue.
- Nakabayashi
- The TOPPAN Group has so many technologies and experts that you feel it could do anything that a customer wanted. But because it has such a diverse range of solutions, conversely it might sometimes be difficult to demonstrate its strengths. Things were good when Japan was booming, but in 2022 the GDP per capita fell to the bottom of the list of G7 countries. With this in mind, I feel that Japan as a whole no longer has the legroom to do everything and anything. That is why the TOPPAN Group probably also needs to think about bringing together the strengths of the Group to package solutions that can enrich people’s lives while also enhancing efficiency.
- For example, when we consider a single region, it is inconceivable that there is only one challenge. Each region will have various issues to address, such as declining birthrates and aging societies, healthcare, education, and living environments. If the TOPPAN Group can combine its various technologies and services to create a package providing a complete solution for these issues, it will be possible to expand it not just in Japan but to every region of the world.
- Sakai
- I think that continuing to make proposals based on identifying the real issues behind customers’ requests and the solutions they are really looking for will enable us to exceed their expectations. This is an area I want to strengthen further going forward.
Becoming a company recognized for its proactivity
Leveraging the diverse capital of the group from human to technological
- Sakai
- You mentioned that we have a large number of experts, and diverse human capital is definitely a strength of the TOPPAN Group. The Group is full of human assets to rival those of specialist companies, be it sales, management, planning, design, or research. To create a platform that will enable those human assets to play even more active roles, it is vital that everyone understands our philosophy.
- We have defined one of our values as “Proactivity,” encouraging people to “think ahead” and “act with speed.” The other three values of “Integrity,” “Passion,” and “Creativity” are based on qualities that TOPPAN has advocated for many years, but “Proactivity” is a new value that we have added. Until now our business has been based on responding to orders from customers, so we have often taken a careful and safe approach to our work in light of the need to consistently deliver things to our customers without making mistakes. Going forward, however, I want our people to take on challenges without fear of failure. I believe that is the kind of human assets we need to develop.

- Nakabayashi
- I agree. Solid management resources will also be important for the TOPPAN Group to be bolder in taking on challenges. In Japan today, resources allocated to research are decreasing rapidly, and there is pressure to produce results in the short term, leading people to say that the kind of fundamental research that takes 10, 20, or 30 years cannot be done. If companies also focus too much on what is immediately in front of them, it may be difficult to nurture seeds for the future. In that context, robust financial foundations are needed to pursue activities that look to the future.
- On the other hand, it is also necessary to understand the trends of the times and make decisions about what needs to be dropped. The TOPPAN Group has accumulated a vast amount of technology and expertise, but I think it is at an important crossroads at which it needs to nail down which of those will bear fruit in the future.
- Sakai
- We have so far undertaken a wide range of research and development and taken on challenges in multiple areas. However, we have started to reassess our research themes in light of the view that we should focus on the ones that really have future potential. We are taking action to invest proactively in growth fields and work in collaboration with partners such as universities.
- Right now, I would like to focus on the area of the circular economy. It is an issue that we must address, from the perspectives of carbon neutrality and the planet’s resources. It is also an area that has a significant impact on the TOPPAN Group’s business. We need to start preparing and thinking about what the TOPPAN Group should do to contribute to the world as a leading presence in the circular economy. I think we also need to explore global collaboration that transcends industries.
- Nakabayashi
- The Japanese government and private sector, including the TOPPAN Group, rarely take the lead in setting the rules for the world. The image of Japan is that we follow other countries. In the future we will also need to enhance our ability to make our voice heard. We can do this by expanding communities. For example, by having companies that have identified issues take the lead in bringing together other companies and industries or by collaborating with companies in other countries and regions that share the same awareness.
Driving sustainability management forward

- Sakai
- In 2023 TOPPAN Holdings was named to DJSI World, a leading ESG investing index, for the first time in two years. The point of focusing on this kind of ESG index is not just to be selected, but to understand trends for global standards. We have to understand trends fully and take a serious approach to sustainability.
- Nakabayashi
- To be selected to an ESG index, you have to analyze and address all kinds of areas. Subsequent follow up is naturally also essential. However, I look forward to seeing the TOPPAN Group being recognized globally after putting in the hard work.
- After what we have been speaking about, I once again feel that 2024 will be a very important year for the TOPPAN Group. Under the Purpose & Values, the Group will share the same mindset. Everyone should commit to taking on challenges without fear of failure and drive forward by learning from the times that they don’t succeed. That is the kind of group I want TOPPAN to be.
- Sakai
- This has reaffirmed my belief that we have to make a concerted effort as a group to meet those expectations. Thank you very much.
The new incarnation of the TOPPAN Group made a fresh start in 2023, a year that saw increasing geopolitical and politico-economic risk as well as heat waves, wildfires, torrential rains, and other natural disasters. This impacted industry, and the outlook for the future remains uncertain.
Even in these circumstances, we strongly believe that if all the companies and employees of the TOPPAN Group can harness their potential, we can grow the business and continue to deliver value to society.
The TOPPAN Group will continue to stride forward by bringing together its strengths to go beyond conventional approaches and become a social value creator that delivers solutions powered by innovation throughout the world.
Comment from the coordinator

Nahomi Funahashi
ESG Communication Department
Public Relations Division
TOPPAN Holdigns Inc.
This article is the second in the "Special Content" series and features two directors discussing sustainability management for the new incarnation of the TOPPAN Group. From their respective perspectives—one as an internal director and the other as an external director— they gave their thoughts on providing solutions to the world’s social issues through the TOPPAN Group’s business. It was a very lively discussion and raised my expectations for the future of the TOPPAN Group beyond its transformation.
Look out for upcoming articles in which we will continue to explore the themes of TOPPAN’s Impact and TOPPAN’s Insight.