Frequently asked questions about the company, stocks, etc.
Q1: When was the company established?
The company was established on January 17, 1900 and changed its capital structure to become a limited company on June 4, 1908.
Q2: When was the company's stock listed?
The company was listed on the Tokyo and Osaka stock exchanges in May 1949.
Q3: On which stock exchange is the company listed?
The Tokyo Stock Exchange.
Q4: What is the company's securities code?
TOPPAN Holdings Inc.'s securities code on the Tokyo Stock Exchange is 7911.
Q5: When are the company's accounts closed?
Accounts are closed at the end of March every year.
- Q6: Where can I find the latest financial results?
Q7: When is the general meeting of shareholders?
In late June. We send a notice regarding the convening of the general meeting of shareholders to all shareholders who have voting rights as of March 31 to inform them of the date, time and venue of the meeting.
Q8: What is the date of right allotment?
March 31 for profit dividends; September 30 for interim dividends
- Q9: How can I get hold of integrated reports?
- Q10: What kind of sustainability activities do you engage in?