EnvironmentBuilding of a Recycling-oriented Society
Basic ApproachBack to Top
The TOPPAN Group has formulated a set of priority policies towards the building of a recycling-oriented society as a critical challenge for management. We process industrial waste and waste materials in line with the following priorities: 1) First priority is given to reductions of the discharge of industrial waste and waste materials generated in association with business activities; 2) Second priority is given to the reuse or recycling of industrial waste and waste materials discharged in spite of the reduction efforts; and 3) Third priority is given to the application of appropriate treatment methods to industrial waste and waste materials not reused or recycled. The order of priority may not be applied when another ordering is deemed to more effectively reduce environmental burden.
We strive, in the course of our business activities, to prevent pollution of the atmosphere and water and soil environments, reduce water consumption, and protect the environment in ways that secure sanitary water supplies for employees, local residents, and other stakeholders.
Please note that while the forms of recycling are generally classified into material, chemical, and thermal (heat recovery), chemical recycling is classified within the “material recycling” category in our list.
ActivitiesBack to Top
In a drive to use limited resources more effectively, we work to reduce the discharge of waste, increase the recycling rate, and apply appropriate waste treatment methods based on the TOPPAN Group Declaration on the Global Environment.
Waste paper derived from operational sites primarily in the Information & Communication and Living & Industry fields makes up the largest portion (61%) of the total waste discharged at Group sites. The next largest portions are waste plastics derived from plants in the Living & Industry field (20%) and waste acid from the Electronics field. We have striven to increase our material recycling rates by converting waste paper into recycled paper, segregating waste plastics and processing composite plastics into pellets, and applying recycling techniques for other materials. Waste acid, meanwhile, has been treated in-house to lower volumes for disposal. For the hazardous waste regulated under Annex VIII (List A) of the Basel Convention, the total discharge has been confirmed and intensive efforts have been made to reduce discharge and appropriately manage and treat the waste. The link below shows the results and targets for the discharge, discharge-reduction, and recycling of plastic industrial waste, including waste from plastics used in products. These are the primary measures we have taken to promote plastic circulation in compliance with the Plastic Resource Circulation Act enforced in Japan in April 2022. For the sustainable use of water, a limited resource, individual Group sites assess water risks, reduce water consumption, and control the quality of effluents discharged into water systems.
TOPPAN will continue to pursue the effective use of limited resources by reducing overall waste discharge and intensifying material recycling.
Discharge and Treatment of Hazardous and Non-hazardous Waste
Fiscal Year | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | |
Total waste discharge (t) | 315,512 | 297,211 | 288,961 | |
Hazardous waste (t) | Discharge | 29,699 | 25,953 | 22,295 |
Breakdown by treatment method (t) | Material recycling | 25,078 | 19,954 | 16,145 |
Thermal recovery | 3,349 | 3,370 | 3,825 | |
Simple incineration | 305 | 1,106 | 1,192 | |
Landfill disposal | 917 | 1,522 | 1,134 | |
Other | 50 | 0 | 0 | |
Non-hazardous waste (t) | Discharge | 285,813 | 271,258 | 266,666 |
Breakdown by treatment method (t) | Material recycling | 235,924 | 227,834 | 222,302 |
Thermal recovery | 42,799 | 35,782 | 37,490 | |
Simple incineration | 1,072 | 1,785 | 3,057 | |
Landfill disposal | 5,710 | 5,857 | 3,816 | |
Other | 309 | 0 | 2 |
- *
- Data on material recycling, thermal recovery, and landfill disposal of non-hazardous waste for fiscal 2022 and earlier are adjusted based on the updated calculation methods.
Waste Management Programs
As part of efforts to shape a recycling-oriented society, the TOPPAN Group implements waste management by monitoring resource efficiency within the ISO 14001 framework, setting targets, and managing the progress of improvements. Specifically, we monitor and measure waste and implement waste reduction measures. We also assess impact on the environment, set specific targets for resource efficiency improvement, and periodically assess and manage progress towards them.
Through these activities, the organization drives increases in resource efficiency in accordance with the requirements of ISO 14001 and helps to shape a recycling-oriented society. Utilizing the ISO 14001 framework enables continuous improvements and effective waste management.
Waste audits to identify opportunities for improving waste performance
Waste audits are an important tool for evaluating an organization's waste output and identifying specific measures for efficiency and reduction. Waste audits utilize the ISO 14001 framework to promote sustainable waste management. Through internal audits of business sites and performance audits by the Head Office, the organization identifies the volume of waste generated and implements
concrete measures for recycling.
Action plans to reduce waste generation
Once we have identified the key points of waste generation through waste audits, we are working to reduce the amount of waste generated by 1) identifying the sources of waste in the manufacturing process, 2) improving the manufacturing process by reviewing conditions, 3) addressing the manufacturing process in terms of equipment and facilities, and 4) reviewing product design. In the area of equipment and facilities, we
are working on automation measures for smart factories and introducing new technologies such as AI-based inspections and quality trend monitoring.
Quantified targets to minimize waste
As TOPPAN Group Medium-and-Long-Term Environmental Targets for Fiscal 2030, the TOPPAN Group has set a 60% reduction (5,296 tons) in the final landfill volume of waste from fiscal 2017 (8,739 tons) and a 12% increase (65%) in the material recycling rate of waste plastic from fiscal 2017 (53%). To achieve these targets, we have set single fiscal year targets for final landfill waste volume and waste plastic material recycling
rate with approval from the Board of Directors. The Head Office’s Ecology Center breaks these targets down into targets for individual business sites, which set their own individual targets to achieve the targets set by the Ecology Center.
Investment in innovation or R&D to minimize waste
From a business perspective, digital transformation (DX) in the Information & Communication field makes it possible to minimize waste in business activities by means of information distribution that does not use paper or other media and management that does not use forms. In the area of manufacturing, we will be able to minimize waste from production processes by introducing new technologies such as automation
measures for smart factories, inspections using AI, and quality trend monitoring. DX is one of the important business investment plans in the Medium Term Plan. In the packaging business, GL BARRIER, which has been developed by the TOPPAN Group as a form of packaging for Sustainable Transformation (SX), has the world's highest level of functionality for a transparent barrier material. For example, GL BARRIER can greatly contribute to the reduction of waste from the
production process by reducing the number of processes required—the conventional three types of film and two lamination processes can be reduced to just two types of film and a single lamination process. The development of SX packaging and the establishment of a global supply system are also listed as important business investment plans in our Medium Term Plan.
Waste reduction training provided to employees
Education aimed at raising employees' awareness of the need to reduce waste is included in education aimed at improving environmental literacy, based on company-wide environmental trends in society and the priority items for environmental activities in each fiscal year. Training programs include rank-based training, elective training, internal auditor training, and e-learning for all employees. Group training and
e-learning are provided as part of rank-based training.
Integration of recycling programs to reduce the waste sent to landfill
In order to reduce the final landfill volume, which is also an environmental target, we are promoting the integration of recycling programs for each type of waste in order to improve the material recycling rate. For example, wastepaper is recycled, while waste plastics are sorted, and compound materials are pelletized.
Water Efficiency Management Programs
As part of efforts to shape a recycling-oriented society, the TOPPAN Group implements water efficiency management by monitoring resource efficiency within the ISO 14001 framework, setting targets, and managing the progress of improvements. Specifically, we asses water risk for each of our locations, reduce water consumption and manage the quality of discharged water, and implement activities to improve water efficiency. We also assess impact on the environment, set specific targets for resource efficiency improvement, and periodically assess and manage progress towards them.
Through these activities, the organization drives increases in resource efficiency in accordance with the requirements of ISO 14001 and helps to shape a recycling-oriented society. Utilizing the ISO 14001 framework enables continuous improvements and effective water efficiency management.
Water use assessment to identify opportunities for water efficiency improvements
In order to reduce water consumption, we monitor and visualize the volume of water taken from each source and the volume of wastewater discharged to each destination at each business site. This makes it easier for employees and related parties to understand the status of water consumption. This enables efficient water management by identifying wastewater generation processes
resulting from wasteful water use and promoting their proper use.
Actions to reduce water consumption
In order to reduce water consumption, we identify the wastewater generation processes that result from the wasteful use of water and promote the appropriate use of water. At the same time, as part of our capital investment in resource recycling, we invest in facilities to conserve water and use rainwater.
Actions to improve wastewater quality
Each business site has its own wastewater treatment facility that is suited to the amount of water used and the state of pollution. The quality of wastewater is measured daily in accordance with standards based on measurement items and legally required measurement methods for regulated substances, temperature, concentration, etc. in rivers and sewage systems. When necessary, regular measurements are taken and monitored by
public authorities. The data is compiled monthly, and the annual figures for substances of concern are publicly disclosed with a third-party verification.
Establishment of targets to reduce water use
With the approval of the Board of Directors, the TOPPAN Group has established TOPPAN Group Medium-and-Long-Term Environmental Targets for Fiscal 2030 for the reduction of water intake at 7 sites with high water risk (water stress of more than 40%): the target is for at least 50% of said sites (4 sites) to achieve their water intake reduction targets, and for TOPPAN to be subject to no administrative measures imposed
by authorities on account of our exceeding regulatory values. The Head Office’s Ecology Center breaks these targets down into targets for individual business sites, which set their own individual targets to achieve the targets set by the Ecology Center.
Application of water recycling
Facilities in the Electronics business field, which discharge large amounts of wastewater, are working to reduce water intake and wastewater discharge by recovering and recycling water using a wastewater recycling system.
Awareness training provided to employees on water efficiency management programs
We educate our employees on two fronts to raise their awareness of water efficiency. One is its inclusion in education to improve environmental literacy so that they acquire knowledge on social water risks as a reason behind the need for water efficiency programs. The content concerns water stress. There is rank-based training, elective training, internal auditor training, and
e-learning for all employees. Group training and e-learning are provided as part of rank-based training. The other front is inclusion in the ISO 14001 education program on the effective use of resources, which includes education to raise awareness of the need to improve water use.
Plastic Circulation Targets based on Japanese Legislation*1
Reduction/recycling targets
Fiscal 2023: Increase the material recycling (MR) rate by 2.3%pt year over year
Fiscal 2024: Increase the material recycling (MR) rate by 1.4%pt year over year
Company | Fiscal 2023 | Result | ||
Discharge (t) | MR Rate Increase/Decrease from Fiscal 2022 | Evaluation (Unachieved: ×, Achieved: ○) | ||
High-volume waste dischargers | Toppan Packaging Products Co., Ltd. | 16,748 | -29.4%pt | × |
Toppan Decor Products Inc. | 1,388 | 21.9%pt | ○ | |
Tamapoly Co., Ltd. | 1,208 | 7.1%pt | ○ | |
TOPPAN Inc. | 897 | 4.8%pt | ○ | |
Toppan Communication Products Co., Ltd. | 831 | -0.7%pt | × | |
Toppan Plastic Co., Ltd. | 560 | 33.2%pt | ○ | |
Toppan Infomedia Co., Ltd. | 537 | -0.2%pt | × | |
Toppan TOMOEGAWA Optical Films Co., Ltd. | 421 | -1.2%pt | × | |
Waste dischargers | Toppan Packaging Service Co., Ltd. | 245 | 1.8%pt | × |
Toppan Techno Co., Ltd. | 152 | 0.0%pt | × | |
Toppan Electronics Products Co., Ltd. | 106 | -21.7%pt | × |
- *
- Listed companies discharging waste of 100 tons or more a year.
- *1
- Targets for the discharge, discharge-reduction, recycling of plastic industrial waste (including plastics used in products), and other plastic circulation measures based on the Plastic Resource Circulation Act of Japan
Values, Results, and Evaluation of Environmental Targets for Fiscal 2023
Performance Target | Performance Indicator | Fiscal 2023 | ||||
Target Value | Result | Achievement Rate | Evaluation | |||
Contributing to resource circulation | Reduce final landfill waste disposal | Final landfill waste disposal | 7,704 t | 4,949 t | 135.8% | S |
Circulate resources | Waste plastic material recycling rate | 57.3% | 49.6% | 84.4% | B | |
Optimal water use | Prevent water pollution | No. of actions taken by authorities in response to exceeded regulatory standards | 0 | 0 | 100% | A |
Reduce water withdrawal in regions with higher water risk | No. of sites in high-water-risk regions that implement water-saving measures | 4 sites | 0 sites (risk assessment method to be updated) |
- Evaluation criteria:
- S) Results achieved far surpass the targets (achievement rate [%] ≧ 105); A) Targets achieved (100 ≦ achievement rate [%] < 105); B)
Activities fully carried out, but targets unachieved (70 ≦ achievement rate [%] < 100); C) Activities insufficient (achievement rate [%] < 70)
Achievement rate: 200 – (values actually achieved / target values) x 100 [%]
Associated DataBack to Top
We evaluate and disclose Groupwide performance data, including that from overseas Group subsidiaries.
Material Input

Final Landfill Waste Disposal

- *
- The data for fiscal 2022 and earlier are adjusted based on revised calculation methods.
Waste Recycling

- *
- The data for fiscal 2022 and earlier are adjusted based on revised calculation methods.
Water Withdrawal

Effluent Discharge

Waste Plastic Material Recycling Rate

- *
- The data for fiscal 2022 and earlier are adjusted based on revised calculation methods.