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TOPPAN Packaging Platform—A Framework for Intra-Group Collaboration to Accelerate the Sustainable Packaging Business (June 2023)
In June 2023, TOPPAN Inc.’s Global Packaging division took the lead in launching the TOPPAN Packaging Platform (TPP). We are leveraging the synergies generated by collaboration between the various Group companies that drive the packaging business to strengthen global marketing activities across the TOPPAN Group.
About the TPP
The TPP is a global body formed to strengthen and expand TOPPAN’s packaging business, drive revenue growth, and achieve the targets of the Medium Term Plan. The Global Packaging division’s Business Development Department led the call to form a group that now comprises more than 15 representatives of the division and 10 overseas Group companies. In addition to sharing information and discussing challenges at the quarterly General Meeting and the five-person Monthly Strategy Meeting, the initiative is being advanced as a collaborative project to win new orders. Efforts include partnering on client visits, proposals, and participation in trade fairs and expos.
Background to the launch of the TPP
In its Medium Term Plan, the TOPPAN Group has identified sustainable transformation (SX) in Japan and the Living & Industry segment overseas as growth businesses. We are expanding globally and driving higher value-added by shifting to sustainable packaging, which we refer to as SX packaging. Challenges include establishing networks facilitating local production for local consumption and expanding capacity at each of our locations. To address these challenges, we are proactively undertaking M&A in growth fields as well as aiming to expand production capacity at existing bases and strengthen collaboration between regions.
The packaging market is seeing notable growth in SX packaging demand on the back of robust global expansion and increasing needs for eco-friendly solutions in Europe. TOPPAN is aiming to grow its business by harnessing the synergies of the Group to meet that demand.
Structure and Activities of the TPP
Project owner: Shinichi Kukita, Senior General Manager (Business Development, Global Packaging)
Facilitator: Atsushi Yoshida (Business Development, Global Packaging)

・Accelerate proposals to global brand owners
・Maximize synergies in the Group
・Strengthen TOPPAN’s branding
Main Activities
・Convening Monthly Strategy Meetings and General Meetings to share information (clients, markets, capabilities)
・Joint client visits and participation in trade shows/expos to understand needs
・Driving inter-regional collaboration to develop and propose solutions that address clients’ needs
Efforts and Achievements So Far
・Selecting priority clients based on understanding respective capabilities within the Group and making strategic approaches to launch large-scale projects with leading brand owners (ongoing efforts by taskforce)
・Proposing one-stop solutions to brand owners through joint participation in international trade shows/expos
・Leveraging intra-Group personal networks developed through TPP activities to launch regional collaboration workshops. Making strategic approaches to brand owners in each region.

Q1. What was the process and thinking behind the establishment of the TPP?
I transferred to the Global Packaging division in April 2023. Prompted by discussions with colleagues, I started to think about what I could do for TOPPAN, considering it has so many companies overseas. After our senior GM, Kukita-san, told me about a concept for global collaboration across the Group, we started to take concrete action. I remember how what we needed to do became clear intuitively. Based on my previous experience, I saw that if Group companies worked together to exploit their strengths and complement each other, we would be able to strengthen our marketing activities.
I discussed things with my colleagues based on this hypothesis, and we divided ourselves into small teams and started to share the concept with key people at our companies overseas. We gradually expanded the dialogue and in the process of discussing it, we agreed to just go ahead and try it. Thanks to everyone’s help, everything leading up to the launch progressed smoothly. I had experience of collaborating within Asia in a previous role, but this is the first time I have managed something spanning the globe, so I have to work hard to keep on top of things while trying to remember what I learned during my training for global business. I have not actually met some of the team in person, so I want to be proactive in communicating via online meetings.
Q2. What progress and outputs have you seen from the TPP so far?
Talking to everyone has shown me that we are a team with common goals. We have a lot of very talented people, and I am excited because I have realized that we can expect to benefit in various ways if we make proposals for one-stop solutions that take advantage of the synergies we have. We have launched some large-scale projects that have the potential to go commercial with leading brand owners. Without this collaboration, that might not have been possible. I think experiencing this kind of success has raised the motivation of the team. I hope this collaboration prompts people to be glad that they joined TOPPAN and are part of the TOPPAN Group.
Working together has made it possible to better leverage the TOPPAN brand. Sometimes it is difficult to get the brand owner to understand that a company is actually part of the TOPPAN Group when they are only dealing with our local subsidiary. Approaching clients as the TOPPAN Group raises our profile with brand owners and has led to requests for proposals that are worldwide, not just focused on a single company. This has created a positive cycle in which clients have higher expectations and we enhance our level of collaboration to meet them.

Southeast Asia region workshop
Q3. What challenges do you see going forward and what is your vision for the future?
Previous experience tells me that the critical challenges become clearer from the second year onwards. At the beginning, the project gains pace but you do not see results for a while, and if communication issues arise due to differences in culture or language, people can start to lose motivation. To prevent this happening, I set up one-to-one online meetings to get more detailed feedback than I can at the General Meeting, and I take steps to ensure that feedback is reflected in what we are doing as far as possible. To advance a global network, I think we have to respond flexibly while respecting each other and acknowledging our diversity.
To enhance our capabilities while maintaining the overall cooperative framework going forward, I am mindful that above all I need to continue to lead, holding up a flag that is clearly visible to everyone.

EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa) region workshop

At PACK EXPO 2023 (U.S.A.)