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Expo 2025 Joint Project: “Live Earth Journey! Future Co-Creation Program”—Biodiversity Learning Event Held (October 2024)
Learning About Biodiversity: An Event Featuring Sponsors of the Shoji Kawamori-Produced Pavilion at Expo 2025
On October 8, 2024, the “Mitsumata-numa Biotope Exploration! - Learning Biodiversity Conservation in Nature” event was held at the Mitsumata-numa Biotope in Ageo City, Saitama Prefecture, Japan, as part of the “Live Earth Journey! Future Co-Creation Program.”
The “Live Earth Journey! Future Co-Creation Program” is a collaborative initiative supported by companies sponsoring the “Live Earth Journey” Pavilion, a key feature of Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan (Expo 2025). Produced by acclaimed animation director and mechanical designer Shoji Kawamori, the pavilion focuses on the theme of biodiversity. The program aims to foster deeper awareness and engagement with this theme through experiential and interactive events.
The biodiversity learning event was held at the Mitsumata-numa Biotope, a conservation site managed by the TOPPAN Group in Saitama Prefecture. It provided participants with the opportunity to learn about the significance of biodiversity and reconnect with the interdependence between humans and nature. Employees from sponsoring companies, including Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Inc. and Daido Life Insurance Company, participated in the event.
Event Highlights
・Biodiversity Conservation Efforts: Explanation of conservation initiatives by TOPPAN Group employees.
・Mitsumata-numa Biotope Overview: A briefing by Ecosystem Conservation Society-Japan.
・Nature Observation Tour: A guided exploration of the biotope by experts from Ecosystem Conservation Society-Japan.
・Interactive Discussion: A dialogue session between Shoji Kawamori and the participants.
About the Mitsumata-numa Biotope
The Mitsumata-numa Biotope is located upstream from Kaihei Bridge, approximately 48 km from the mouth of the Arakawa River. Situated near the former confluence of the Arakawa and Iruma Rivers, it spans the borders of Ageo City, Kawagoe City, and the town of Kawajima in Saitama Prefecture. This biotope, characterized by its wetland ecosystems, is home to a wide variety of aquatic plants, marsh vegetation, and wildlife, including birds and dragonflies. It also supports native fauna and flora such as medaka fish and violets, as well as rare species such as branched bur-reed, Apodicarpum ikenoi, and Galium tokyoense.
Participants engaged in activities such as planting native wildflower seedlings cultivated by local elementary schools and exploring the biotope’s diverse natural environment. These activities offered valuable insights into the richness of ecosystems and underscored the importance of preserving ecological balance.
During the event, Shoji Kawamori shared his thoughts on the program, commenting, “Through this initiative, I hope participants will not only recognize the importance of protecting nature but also rediscover that we ourselves are a part of nature’s cycles.”
The interactive discussion covered topics such as how environmental conservation relates to corporate social responsibility, the steps needed to build a sustainable future, and participants’ expectations for the pavilion. Insights shared included comments such as, “Taking action is essential,” and, “Experiences like this spark curiosity and engagement.”
Kawamori concluded by saying, “I am thrilled that this event provides inspiration and meaningful input for the pavilion’s exhibitions. I also hope that this experience fosters a sense of coexistence with nature among our corporate partners, which they can reflect in their future activities.”
The TOPPAN Group will continue to promote initiatives that align with its commitment to building a society centered on harmony with nature. Through its involvement in Expo 2025, the Group is working toward the realization of a world where diverse cultures thrive.
The TOPPAN Group’s Sponsorship of Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan
As a Gold Partner of Expo 2025, the TOPPAN Group is contributing to the “Future Society Showcase Project,” particularly through the Automatic Translation System as part of the Digital Expo, and to the thematic pavilions “Live Earth Journey” (produced by Shoji Kawamori, focusing on “Totality of Life”) and “Better Co-Being” (produced by Hiroaki Miyata, focusing on “Resonance of Lives”).
The “Live Earth Journey” Pavilion embodies the concept of “a miracle living now and here together.” This vision resonates with TOPPAN’s advanced communication technologies, developed through its expertise in printing, to create emotionally engaging experiences. Through co-creation with Shoji Kawamori, sponsoring companies, and partners, the pavilion aims to deliver a profound and inspiring visual representation of life’s interconnectedness and brilliance.