Basic ApproachBack to Top

The growing adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) worldwide has given rise to social issues linked to AI usage, such as privacy and human rights infringements, aggravated discrimination and prejudice, and the widening of inequity. In pursuing our mission (“Purpose”) of “breathing life into culture, with technology and heart” in a society burgeoning with AI, we believe that every member of the TOPPAN workforce must understand the risk of AI impacts on society and maintain appropriate control over AI technology with high ethical standards. The TOPPAN Group AI Ethics Policy stipulates seven topics (shown below) to be observed by all Group employees in the development, provision, and use of AI. Our policy is based on the AI Guidelines for Business developed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan. It also accords with the Conduct Guidelines, as well as the Human Rights Policy, the Basic Policy on Information Security, and the Basic Policy on Service Quality, the policies we have formulated so far.

Structure of the TOPPAN Group AI Ethics Policy
Human-centered AI Usage
Respect for Human Rights and Equality
Consideration for Privacy
Pursuit of Transparency and Accountability
Provision of Safe AI
Contribution to a Sustainable Society and Economy
Development of Human Assets Skilled in AI

Operational FrameworkBack to Top

We understand that it will be necessary to review the content and operation of the TOPPAN Group AI Ethics Policy in order to adapt to the fast advances in AI technology and shifts in the social climate and civilian values. Based on our principle of total quality assurance, the management responsibilities linked to the policy have been delegated to the Digital Innovation Division, the Corporate Planning Division, the Legal Division, and the Service Quality Management Office.

Within this operational framework, we regularly review the policy in order to promptly address any changes in the environment around us. Continuous improvements of the AI ethics policy will allow us to appropriately harness the functionalities of AI throughout the Group.

Legislation and Guidelines Underlying TOPPAN’s AI Ethics Policy

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Fostering AI TalentBack to Top

An environment compatible with our original generative AI chatbot is now available across the TOPPAN Group. The AI chatbot service was introduced in October 2023. In parallel, a set of practical guidelines for the safer and more efficient use of AI has been disseminated throughout the Group. For generative AI models considered to pose significant risks, particularly in the areas of security and ethics, we organize basic training (via e-learning programs) to enhance general familiarity with AI usage among the entire workforce.

TOPPAN Holdings Inc. and TOPPAN Digital Inc. have joined the AI Governance Association (AIGA) of Japan, a business consortium formed to address practical issues in the social implementation of AI governance. AIGA encourages member companies to share their conceptions of AI governance approaches ideal for adapting to social shifts in their businesses. We will reflect insights gained in the TOPPAN Group AI Ethics Policy whenever necessary. Through our efforts at the AIGA initiative, we strive to maintain our reputation for integrity in the international community as a corporation that provides solutions for diverse social issues worldwide.

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