Basic ApproachBack to Top

The TOPPAN Group assigns great value to the appropriate disclosure of corporate information to promote stakeholder engagement. We are communicating our views, listening to stakeholder opinions, and engaging in earnest dialogues to reach a mutual understanding with stakeholders. These communication practices enable us to follow the shifting demands of society and incorporate the diverse expectations and needs of stakeholders in the planning of our corporate activities. Through this approach, we would like to maintain our present status as a group of companies that upholds the trust of society.

We are also committed to enhancing relationships with overseas stakeholders through rapidly globalizing operations that provide various solutions to social issues around the world. We will bolster Groupwide initiatives to upgrade stakeholder engagement with careful attention to legal compliance and diverse cultures in the countries and regions where we do business. We will help achieve a sustainable society by building, maintaining, and enhancing cooperative relationships with stakeholders of all kinds.

Activity ResultsBack to Top

Communicating with Customers

From our very first day in business, we have been working to secure the trust and satisfaction of customers by developing and providing excellent products and services that meet the requirements of customers. We are improving product quality and securing product safety throughout the entire supply chain by conducting “total quality assurance” activities that cover all of our business processes.

We are also improving, upgrading, and developing products and services by promptly identifying the diverse and sophisticated needs of customers. To renovate products and services, we keep constant track of customer satisfaction and harness customer feedback. Our CS surveys comprehensively assess the quality of our products and services by checking operations from technological development to sales promotion across the Group. The survey results are delivered to the responsible departments and used to refine product quality towards improved service provision and enhanced customer satisfaction.

Customer Satisfaction (Secure Media)
(Total of “satisfied” and “somewhat satisfied”)
The survey items are rated on a 5-point evaluation scale: “satisfied,” “somewhat satisfied,” “neutral,” “somewhat dissatisfied,” and “dissatisfied.”

Boosting Mutual Trust with Business Partners

We are continuously enhancing communication with suppliers and subcontractors (“business partners”) in the conviction that cooperative and trusting relationships are critical for the promotion of sustainable procurement.

The TOPPAN Group Sustainable Procurement Guidelines, revised in January 2022, have been shared throughout the supply chain. In a cycle of guideline-compliant transactions, performance audits, and practice improvements, we engage in ongoing dialogues with business partners to deepen mutual understanding. Our Supplier Hotline is open for use by all partners. The hotline strengthens our efforts to enhance transparency and fairness in transactions and boost relationships of trust. We also ask partners to fill out questionnaires to monitor whether our procurement departments operate properly in accordance with the Basic Procurement Policy under the TOPPAN Group Sustainable Procurement Guidelines.

The Declaration of Partnership Building, issued in September 2022, clarifies priority themes for solidifying cooperation and co-prosperity with our partners and cultivating partnerships based on good business practices.

Labor-Management Approach to “Respect for Human Beings”

We understand how deeply we depend on our human assets. The working environments we have been developing are designed to help employees accomplish their tasks vigorously, earnestly, and with strong motivation. We organize various site-based initiatives primarily for employee health and job satisfaction through collaborations with the labor union, the health insurance union, and other related organizations. In-house club activities and various events such as health awareness campaigns and labor-management recreation events have been held to facilitate communication and build a sense of unity throughout the Group.

Club activity

Health awareness campaign

Surveying Employee Engagement

We have selected “employee health & job satisfaction” as a Materiality theme to drive our growth as a creator of social value, the goal of our sustainability management.

We see increased employee engagement as a key underpinning for achieving our management strategy. The integrated strengths of the Group will be further improved when employees find their work rewarding, feel fulfilled, and work proactively.

We launched an annual employee engagement survey in fiscal 2021. The fiscal 2023 survey analyzed the responses of 31,194 employees at Toppan Group 45 companies to assess the expectation-perception gaps in their experiences working within their organizations (16 areas surveyed; see the diagram below). The surveys will identify factors that enhance or hinder employee engagement, in order to deliberate and implement measures that will reliably enhance employee engagement and to verify the effectiveness of those measures. Senior management and section managers act together to solve organizational issues based on the feedback from employees revealed through the survey.

Engagement Survey Summary for Fiscal 2023
Employees Covered 31,194 employees, from Toppan Group 45 companies
No. of Respondents (RR) 29,252 (93.7%)
Dates From November 16 to December 25,2023
Total No. of Questions

Performance of tasks, personnel evaluation, personnel development, personnel placement, working environment, corporate culture

108 questions in 12 areas under 6 themes

4 areas under 2 themes (“recruitment” and “onboarding”) were added for the fiscal 2023 hires, bringing the total up to 133 questions.
Aggregated Index (EX score)

TOPPAN Group: 70.1 (0.3pt. increase compared with fiscal 2021)

Medium-term target for fiscal 2025 under the Medium Term Plan: Increase in the engagement score by 5 pt. compared with fiscal 2021

Reference index: Japanese manufacturing industry average of 69.9
This index is a metric for assessing organizational conditions. The value is higher when expectations and perceptions are both high and the gap between them is small. (With EXintelligence service from HRBrain, Inc.)
Survey Overview and Themes

Click to enlarge

TOPPAN eSports Festival 2021

In January 2021, we held the first TOPPAN eSports Festival, an online labor-management event organized as a substitute for the traditional non-virtual sporting events we have held previously.

All 50,000 Group employees and their families were welcome to participate from around the world. Teams placing first in preliminary rounds came together to show off their skills in eSports competitions. Side events such as an art workshop and quiz contest held in tandem online allowed a wider range of participants to join in.

The next event will be held in 2024.

Communicating with Shareholders and Investors

We value long-term relationships of trust with shareholders and investors and provide corporate information as a basis for investment decisions in a timely, fair, and constant manner. Our voluntary disclosures exceeding institutional requirements bring a clear picture to investors and promote deeper understanding of our business operations.

We also engage in dialogues with investors (through some 200 interviews every year) and brief financial analysts and institutional investors in quarterly earnings calls. We consent to requests for individual interviews, participate in numerous conferences sponsored by securities firms, and meet with institutional investors to explain our performance and strategies and glean how the market views us. We also discuss ESG matters with investors to further cultivate mutual understanding and reflect their comments and views into TOPPAN’s management.

Through a cycle of disclosure, dialogue, and feedback to management, we pursue the sustainable growth of the Group and the medium-to-long-term enhancement of our corporate value.

Stakeholder EngagementBack to Top

Stakeholder Engagement: Themes and Activities

*Suppliers and subcontractors

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