Selecting the Material Issues

To further accelerate our efforts to address social issues, in 2019 we defined the material issues on which to focus in our sustainability activities. We classify the selected issues into two categories: Business Materiality, issues of focus in our business activities, and Companywide Materiality, issues to address in Groupwide operations as a good corporate citizen.

Selection Criteria

In selecting the material issues, we took as our starting point the Corporate Philosophy, Corporate Creed, and Conduct Guidelines presented in TOPPAN VISION 21. Along with the “markets & customers” and “technology & expertise” approaches encompassed within the Business Fields, we have also embraced the concepts underlying the SDGs, a set of long-term global development agendas. The selected material issues are pathways for contributing to achievement of the SDGs through the use of the TOPPAN Group’s technologies and expertise to create new value.

Selection Process

We selected the material issues based on the criteria described above by comprehensively assessing the corporate activities of the Group through discussions with relevant departments. The appropriateness of the selections was checked through dialogue with stakeholders and outside experts. Senior management reviewed the selections and finalized them with authorization from the Board of Directors.

We identify material issues in consideration of the mutual impacts of the Group and the environment and society (the impact of environmental and social issues on the Group and the impact of our activities on the environment and society).
The selected material issues are reviewed at least once every three years, along with the formulation of the Medium Term Plan.

Process for Selecting the Material Issues
Process for Selecting the Material Issues

Materiality Concept

Materiality Concept

Materiality at the TOPPAN Group

Theme Relationship with the SDGs
Business Materiality
(Issues of focus in the Group’s business activities)
Environment (sustainable global environment) 12 13 14 15
Communities (creation of safe, secure, enriched communities) 8 11 16
People (empowerment and fulfillment of body and mind) 2 3 4
Companywide Materiality
(Issues to address in Groupwide activities as a good corporate citizen)
Environmentally friendly & sustainable production 12 13
Employee health & job satisfaction 3 5 8

Business Materiality and Companywide Materiality

We have classified the material issues into the two categories shown below to promote “fulfilling, sustainable living,” an ideal the Group is committed to realizing through its sustainability initiatives.

Business Materiality

Environment (sustainable global environment)
Communities (creation of safe, secure, enriched communities)
People (empowerment and fulfillment of body and mind)

The three Business Materiality themes are guideposts for us to follow through the Group’s efforts to realize “fulfilling, sustainable living.” Efforts focused on every theme link to the other themes to reinforce the sustainability activities.

Companywide Materiality

Environmentally friendly & sustainable production
Employee health & job satisfaction

As a solid foundation for business activities, the two Companywide Materiality themes provide a platform to support our initiatives focused on the three Business Materiality themes.

Employee Evaluation

In the Business Division Performance Evaluation System, the TOPPAN Group has set the degree of achievement of greenhouse gas emission reduction targets as one evaluation item. This Business Division Performance Evaluation System is incorporated into evaluations that determine bonuses for business division employees, including executive officers and managers, who are responsible for the business division.

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