Initiatives Focused on Business Materiality

We formulated and announced “TOPPAN Business Action for SDGs” in 2020 to further accelerate initiatives focused on the Business Materiality themes. By backcasting from our vision for society in 2030, we have identified nine areas of focus where we can leverage our distinctive strengths and our unique technologies and expertise.

In 2021, we set targets for fiscal 2025 and fiscal 2030 in each of the nine areas of focus to clarify goal setting focused on the SDGs.

TOPPAN Business Action for SDGs: Nine areas of focus

Overview of TOPPAN Business Action for SDGs

Environment: sustainable global environment

Recognizing environmental problems including climate change and marine plastic pollution, the TOPPAN Group engages in development and provision of products and services by leveraging its expertise in environmentally conscious manufacturing and experience in marketing promotions and in collaborative projects with large numbers of partners. These efforts, along with new business creation, are designed to lead to resource circulation and greenhouse gas emission reductions in support of a sustainable global environment so that we can continue leading lives that are just as fulfilling in 2030 and beyond.

Communities: creation of safe, secure, enriched communities

Many social challenges will impact communities in the future, including those arising from security needs as a result of digitalization as well as population decline and increasing urbanization in Japan. With advanced digital and security technology as well as advances in VR and other media development, we offer safe and convenient services optimized for local regions to support the creation of safe, secure, and enriched communities.

People: empowerment and fulfillment of body and mind

People are facing many issues today, including rising medical costs in developed countries with falling birth rates and aging societies, food shortages due to the growing world population, and challenges in educational environments due to ongoing social change. The TOPPAN Group is leveraging its strengths in development and manufacturing, including for healthcare-related services, functional packaging, and educational content, to provide services and products that support mental and physical fulfillment and systems for companies and other organizations to support the well-being of their people. These efforts contribute to empowering and fulfilling people in body and mind.

Business Materiality: Targets and Results (Activities and targets set out in TOPPAN Business Action for SDGs)(as of May 2023)

Items in red are those where indicators have been changed or target values revised upwards.
*Target figures marked with an asterisk are cumulative figures over the years leading up to the target year. (Other targets are for single fiscal years)

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Risks and Opportunities in Material Issue Selection

In the material issue selection process, we consider both risks and opportunities before selecting material issues and promoting activities to address each issue.

Companywide Materiality: Targets and Results

Environmentally Friendly & Sustainable Production

We engage in efforts throughout the value chain including the supply chain, based on the TOPPAN Group Environmental Vision 2050, which defines long-term efforts for global environmental issues aiming to realize a sustainable society, and on the TOPPAN Group Medium-and-Long-Term Environmental Targets for Fiscal 2030.

Contributing to Decarbonization

We primarily contribute to decarbonization through rationalization of energy use and energy management, along with proactively using and promoting the widespread use of renewable energy, aiming to achieve net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for Scope 1+ 2 and Scope 3 emissions by fiscal 2050.

Metrics Fiscal 2030 Targets Fiscal 2022 Results
Scope 1 and 2 GHG emission reduction Reduce by 54.6% compared to the fiscal 2017 level
(Renewable energy ratio of 6.5%)
Reduced by 28.2% compared to the fiscal 2017 level
(Renewable energy ratio of 1.2%)
Scope 3 GHG emission reduction Reduce by 54.6% compared to the fiscal 2017 level Reduced by 20% compared to the fiscal 2017 level
Preserving Biodiversity

For the sustainable use of natural resources, we are working toward the targets of reducing threats to biodiversity and protecting 30% of the world’s land and waters, aiming for co-existence with nature that both conserves the rich natural environment and enables social and economic activity.

Metrics Fiscal 2030 Targets
Confirmation of legality of procurement of raw materials of paper 100%
Contribution to the conservation of regions in which humans coexist with nature both inside and outside the Group* Equivalent to 10% of the area of manufacturing sites
Based on the site area of the former Toppan Inc. and subsidiaries with manufacturing facilities
Contributing to Resource Circulation

We position the formation of a circular economy as a critical challenge for management and aim for zero waste emissions by fiscal 2050 through reducing waste generated in business activities and reusing and recycling the waste that is generated.

Metrics Fiscal 2030 Targets Fiscal 2022 Results
Final landfill waste disposal* Reduce by 60% compared to the fiscal 2017 level Reduced by 10.8% compared to the fiscal 2017 level
Waste plastic material recycling rate Increase by 12% compared to the fiscal 2017 level Increase by 3.7% compared to the fiscal 2017 level
Applies to waste derived from production
Optimal Water Use

Safe water is a necessary resource in production activities and biodiversity conservation, and the TOPPAN Group engages in water conservation activities and wastewater pollution prevention activities at operational sites in areas experiencing high water stress to contribute to improved water quality by realizing optimal water use and preventing water pollution.

Metrics Fiscal 2030 Targets
Number of sites with high water risk* at which water withdrawal reduction targets are achieved 50% or more
Cases of action taken by authorities due to exceeding regulatory threshold values 0
Sites with water stress in excess of 40%
Employee Health & Job Satisfaction

Looking to business portfolio transformation as a priority measure for the medium to long term, we are focusing on driving the DX business, expanding the Living & Industry business overseas (SX business, global business development), and creating new businesses (frontier). Recognizing the recruitment and development of human assets to support this as a critical challenge for management, we are investing in human assets to contribute to medium- to long-term value creation for the Group and implementing a range of human resource measures.

Building a Human Asset Development Program

We are working on recruitment and development of human assets to support business portfolio transformation by implementing programs to develop diverse human assets and achieve intra-Group mobility of human assets. We are also implementing programs to develop management human assets who will lead us in the future.

Metric Fiscal 2025 Target Fiscal 2022 Result
Number of employees (human assets) engaged in Erhoeht-X™*1 6,000 4,300
The former Toppan Inc. and consolidated subsidiaries, including those overseas
Erhoeht-X™ (erhoeht cross) is the concept for our Companywide efforts to support digital innovation of society and businesses and drive our own digital transformation.
Promotion of Diversity & Inclusion

We place importance on diversity and inclusion that leverages our differences as drivers of change. We promote women’s advancement in the workplace and efforts for gender diversity and implement measures to support employees balancing work with childcare or nursing care.

Elimination of Gender Disparities
Metric Fiscal 2025 Target Fiscal 2022 Result
Percentage of women in management*2 14.7% 12.2%
The former Toppan Inc. and consolidated subsidiaries, including those overseas
Metrics Fiscal 2030 Targets Fiscal 2022 Results
Percentages of male and female employees working as managers and supervisors*3 Eliminating gender disparities Female 0.74 : Male 1.00
Percentage of eligible male employees taking childcare leave*4 80.0% 72.9%
10-year retention rate by gender*5 Eliminating gender disparities Female 0.87 : Male 1.00 Fiscal 2011 hires Female 0.75 : Male 1.00
Fiscal 2012 hires Female 0.86 : Male 1.00
Fiscal 2013 hires Female 0.95 : Male 1.00
At the former Toppan Inc., percentages of employees working as managers and supervisors, out of all current employees recruited as regular hires from 2004 to 2013 (as of March 31, 2023). Difference between proportions for female managers/supervisors and male managers/supervisors when value for male managers/supervisors is set as 1.00.
At the former Toppan Inc., a percentage calculated by dividing the number of male employees who took childcare leave in fiscal 2022 by the total number of male employees with children born from April 2022 to March 2023 (The method for calculating this percentage is based on the applicable Japanese act requiring disclosure of the percentage.)
At the former Toppan Inc., calculated the average 10-year retention rates by gender for regular hires from fiscal 2011 to fiscal 2013 (new graduates from technical colleges, universities, and graduate schools). Difference between rates for male and female employees when value for male employees is set as 1.00.
Support for Employees with Children
Metrics Fiscal 2030 Targets Fiscal 2022 Results
Participation rate in Hagukumi Art Salon*6 45.0% 15.2%
Attendance rate of managers in Hagukumi Seminar*7 100.0% 75.8%
Participation rate in Hagukumi Circle*8 10.0% 11.4%
6, 7, 8 The former Toppan Inc. standalone
Employee Well-being

To ensure human assets with diverse capabilities and careers, we have introduced an original job-based personnel system and design new programs that harmonize gains in corporate value and employee motivation. We also implement measures to promote the health of employees and their families and programs to improve the physical and mental condition of each employee.

Employee Engagement
Metrics Fiscal 2025 Targets Fiscal 2022 Results Fiscal 2021 Results
Engagement score*9 Improve by 5 points compared to fiscal 2021 70.6 points 69.8 points
Health risk value*10 Improve by 6 points compared to fiscal 2021
(96 points)
101 points 102 points
Condition risk determination*11 Improve by 4 points compared to fiscal 2021
(17.1 points)
22.6 points 21.1 points
9, 10, 11 The former Toppan Inc. and consolidated subsidiaries in Japan
Prevention of Serious Illness
Metrics Fiscal 2030 Targets Fiscal 2022 Results
Employees Risk of serious illness*12 Obesity risk 20.0% 27.9%
High blood pressure risk 8.0% 10.8%
Diabetes risk 8.0% 10.9%
Lipid risk 28.0% 30.1%
Medical examinations*13 Gynecological screening rate 75.0% 78.4%
Families Medical examinations*14 Family health checkup rate 95.0% 84.3%
12, 13, 14 The former Toppan Inc. standalone

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