BCP/BCM Initiatives
The TOPPAN Group's Business Continuity Planning/Management (BCP/BCM) Initiatives
Through the formulation and implementation of Business Continuity Planning/Management (BCP/BCM), the TOPPAN Group aims to minimize disruption to our business and fulfill our commitment to deliver products to our customers.
Although a wide variety of risk factors can impact business continuity, the TOPPAN Group focuses its efforts primarily on continuity in the face of earthquake disasters.
Basic Plan for Countermeasures Against Earthquake Disasters
The TOPPAN Group established a basic action plan to guide us through earthquake disasters in the form of the Basic Plan for Countermeasures Against Earthquake Disasters, in September of 1997. We reviewed this plan in March of 2012 and revised it to improve first responses at all sites within the TOPPAN Group and set out company-wide structures and procedures to ensure a prompt restart of operations in the event of a disaster.
Objectives of the Basic Plan for Countermeasures Against Earthquake Disasters
- Our first response after an earthquake strikes will be, based on our respect for human life, to lead employees to safety, and to prevent any secondary disasters from occurring.
- By working to quickly restore operations after a disaster strikes, we can coordinate with our customers and suppliers, and continue to provide products and services that are critically needed, allowing us to fulfill our social responsibility.
- We will work together with both the national and local governments to minimize the spread of damage from any disaster, focusing on the area as a whole as well as the communities adjacent to each of our TOPPAN Group sites.
Business Continuity Plan/Management (BCP/BCM) Initiatives
Formulating a Basic Business Continuity Plan and Procedures for Action
In the Basic Business Continuity Plan, we have analyzed the risk of a major earthquake at each of the principal TOPPAN Group sites and formulated ways to minimize, as far as possible, the impact of an interruption to our business activities on society and our customers, such as the prompt restarting of operations and the utilization of our national production network to offer alternative production solutions.
Based on the organization and system established by this Basic Business Continuity Plan, we have formulated a written set of Procedures for Action, which detail the specific actions to be taken by people in each role at each of our sites in the event of a disaster.
Business Continuity Management (BCM)
We strive to improve our ability to manage risk and ensure business continuation through Business Continuity Management (BCM), which includes training, drills, checking, and rectification of issues related to the restoration and restart methods, and procedures for action set out in business continuity plans, as well as preventative measures and measures to minimize damage in the event of a disaster.
1) Advance Countermeasures
The key to a speedy return to business as usual is to keep damage to the absolute minimum. To that end, we have analyzed the TOPPAN Group's weaknesses and made efforts to prioritize advance countermeasures.
Envisaging detailed scenarios that could arise due to an earthquake disaster, we work to formulate and improve measures including the necessary countermeasures for rapid initial response, including lifesaving and the confirmation of personnel safety, as well as the identification of issues that need to be addressed for business continuity, such as the prompt restoration of operations and/or measures to carry out operations via alternative means.
In addition to the use of a safety confirmation system for initial response, and the preparation of disaster prevention equipment and emergency stocks at group companies, as well as equipment necessary for setting up task forces, we are implementing advance countermeasures such as the reinforcement of facilities and buildings, data protection countermeasures, and the organizing of maintenance outsourcing and supplier data, to enable faster recovery and/or alternate solutions for business continuity.
2) Training and Drills
The TOPPAN Group implements training and drills at its principal sites nationwide such that, should a disaster occur, employees will know what their roles are, and will be able to act independently in conjunction with the Procedures for Action which have been set out in advance.
Drills are implemented in accordance with the roles that have been assigned to each person and include simulated drills that envisage the damage that would occur in the event of a large-scale earthquake. In implementing these drills on a regular basis, we not only maintain and enhance our employees’ abilities to manage risk and ensure business continuity, but can also verify and improve the Procedures for Action and advance countermeasures.