Total Quality Assurance
The TOPPAN Group strives to improve the quality of both products and services based on the concept of “Total Quality Assurance,” which we define as not only quality creation for products, but for services as well.
TOPPAN Group Basic Policy on Product Safety Management
I.Basic Philosophy on Product Safety Management
We promote product safety management throughout the Group
by securing safety and improving the quality of our products based on
the Basic Principles of the Conduct Guidelines and the principles
of corporate social responsibility as a protector of user safety and health.
(Note) User: This includes clients and the consumers that are end-users.
II.Guidelines for Product Safety Management
Based on the Basic Philosophy on Product Safety Management, as part of the internal control system, TOPPAN Group undertake the following initiatives in compliance with the Product Liability Act, the Consumer Product Safety Act, the Consumer Safety Act and other related laws and regulations (Food Sanitation Act, Electrical Appliances and Materials Safety Act, Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Act etc.).
1) Structure to secure product safety
- (1) All departments of TOPPAN Group recognize the importance of product safety and implement product safety management according to their own roles.
- (2) As a foundation, we continuously improve our quality management and assurance practices using methodologies such as total productive maintenance (TPM) and ISO standards, and cooperate with clients and suppliers in preventing product-related accidents.
- (3) We continuously strive to improve product safety by identifying and evaluating risks of use (including improper use) prior to the manufacture or importation of a given product and by incorporating the results of our risk evaluations in the design and manufacture of that product (including parts) and in formulating product safety measures such as the attachment of warning labels.
- (4) We effectively and efficiently implement product safety management and revise as necessary rules on ensuring product safety such as the Basic Philosophy on Product Safety Management, structures for sharing information on product specifications with the suppliers of raw materials and components, and manuals on responses to accidents and complaints.
- (5) Based on the Rules on Risk Management, the Manufacturing Management Division of TOPPAN Holdings is responsible for the management of product safety, and in addition to collecting and disseminating related information, cooperates with relevant TOPPAN Holdings divisions to establish and promote company-wide measures. The quality assurance departments within TOPPAN Group are primarily responsible for safety measures for each product. TOPPAN Holdings and TOPPAN Group coordinate their efforts and share information in order to implement consistent measures throughout the cycle from the procurement of raw materials and parts to design, manufacturing, and sales.
- (6) Should a critical product-related accident or problem occur, we immediately set up a crisis management committee based on the Rules on Risk Management and properly respond to the problem by acting with the safety of users foremost in mind.
- (7) Should a critical product-related accident or problem occur, we immediately set up a crisis management committee based on the Rules on Risk Management and properly respond to the problem by acting with the safety of users foremost in mind. Should a critical product-related accident or problem occur, we immediately set up a crisis management committee based on the Rules on Risk Management and properly respond to the problem by acting with the safety of users foremost in mind. Should a critical product-related accident or problem occur, we immediately set up a crisis management committee based on the Rules on Risk Management and properly respond to the problem by acting with the safety of users foremost in mind. Should a critical product-related accident or problem occur, we immediately set up a crisis management committee based on the Rules on Risk Management and properly respond to the problem by acting with the safety of users foremost in mind.
2) Information collection and provision and actual measures for a product-related accident or problem
- (1) In the case of product-related accidents or problems (such as defects, malfunctions, complaints, or accidents caused by similar products), relevant information collected from users, clients, suppliers, or other related parties is promptly reported to the Manufacturing Management Division of TOPPAN Holdings by the division responsible and such information is centrally consolidated.
- (2) Should a product-related accident or problem occur, we examine the need for the following actions based on the Rules on Risk Management and immediately implement them if required. In reporting or disclosing information outside the company, we work in cooperation with the client who sells the product commercially.
- Reporting to senior management
- Informing the internal relevant departments and taking appropriate actions
- Reporting to members of the Audit & Supervisory Board
- Reporting to national and public authorities
- Disclosing information on the product-related accident or problem to concerned parties outside the company, including clients and suppliers
- Disclosing information to users through press releases, website posting, or other means
- (3) The Public Relations Division of TOPPAN Holdings sincerely responds to opinions and complaints from users and clients with a strong commitment to user protection.
3) Product recalls
- (1) Should a product-related accident or problem occur and the product must be recalled, we immediately take measures to secure the safety of users in coordination with the client who sells the product commercially, as required by the principles of corporate social responsibility.
- (2) When we manufacture, sell, or import an end product, the departments handling the product prepare the product recall procedures for a product-related accident or problem.
4) Other efforts
- (1) We carry out regular internal audits to verify the effectiveness of each measure for product safety management and review our management structure as needed.
- (2) We proactively and sincerely cooperate with the product safety management activities carried out by our clients.
Latest revision: October 1, 2023
TOPPAN Group Basic Policy on Service Quality
I.Basic Philosophy on Service Quality Management
We engage in service quality management
in accordance with the basic principles of our Conduct Guidelines
in order to gain the satisfaction and trust of customers, society, and business partners
by driving co-creation of value as we work to enhance the TOPPAN brand.
II.Guidelines for Service Quality Management
Each member of the TOPPAN Group shall strive to appropriately manage quality and risks throughout the service life cycle while making ongoing improvements and, through mutual cooperation in strong relationships of trust with customers, society, and business partners, resolve core issues to provide services that exceed expectations.
(Note)Service life cycle: The cycle of a service from the planning/conceptualization stage to its conclusion
1) Principles of Service Quality Management
- (1) Each employee in every department shall recognize the importance of service quality and make efforts to improve quality.
- (2) We build service quality management systems through business, control, and auditing departments and assign role-based responsibilities and authority.
- (3) In order to achieve quality improvement throughout the service life cycle, we establish rules concerning service quality using global standards such as ITIL* and ISO.
- (4) We conduct education and training to ensure that all employees are familiar with concepts, internal rules, and laws and regulations concerning service quality.
- (5) We facilitate mutual understanding with customers by accurately ascertaining their needs and expectations and establishing optimal levels of service achievable both for customers and for the TOPPAN Group.
- (6) Before developing a service, we identify and assess risks related to the quality and safety of the service so that customers can use it with peace of mind, and we manage the quality of services in accordance with customers' risk awareness.
- (7) Based on rules related to service quality, we implement quality management appropriately, reasonably, and effectively at each stage of the service life cycle in cooperation with business partners while making systematic and continuous improvements with the aim of further raising quality. When a service concludes, we make reports or take necessary actions in accordance with arrangements with customers.
- (8) We build relationships of trust through communication with customers, society, and business partners and cooperate with them in efforts to raise the quality of services.
- (9) When providing services, we identify the core issues faced by customers and society and fully harness the collective power of the TOPPAN Group to address them.
- (10) In order to ensure the effectiveness of efforts on service quality management in business departments, control departments provide ongoing monitoring and support. Additionally, auditing departments conduct internal audits from an independent perspective.
- (11) We review service quality management systems as appropriate.
*ITIL: The abbreviation for Information Technology Infrastructure Library, a framework of global standards for best practices in IT services
2) Responding to Service-related Incidents, etc.
- (1) In order to prevent incidents, we gather and analyze information concerning incidents and other issues related to services.
- (2) In the event that a serious incident concerning a service occurs, we prioritize the safety and security of customers and service users. While making reports and disclosing information in an appropriate and timely way, we promptly report and consolidate information to control departments.
- (3) Based on TOPPAN Holdings Inc.’s Rules on Risk Management, we establish an emergency taskforce and collaborate with clients to respond quickly and appropriately in accordance with the incident response plan.
- (4) We collaborate with departments with responsibility for relevant risks and consider the necessity of the following actions, promptly carrying them out if deemed necessary.
- Reporting to senior management
- Contacting relevant departments and taking appropriate measures
- Reporting to members of the Audit & Supervisory Board
- Reporting to government and public institutions
- Disclosure of information to stakeholders outside the TOPPAN Group (business partners, etc.)
- Disclosure of information to customers through press releases, website posts, and the like
- (5) We thoroughly analyze incident causes and take steps to prevent recurrence.
- (6) Regarding opinions, complaints, or claims from customers and service users, business departments collaborate with relevant departments to respond sincerely and promptly based on the perspectives of customers and service users.
3) Other Efforts
- (1) We comply with laws, regulations, government notices, operational standards, industry standards and other rules concerning services in Japan and in other relevant countries.
- (2) We systematically and as necessary review our rules concerning service quality. When performing such reviews, we consider relevant rules, such as the Basic Stance on Product Safety Management and the TOPPAN Group's Basic Policy on Information Security, and implement any changes in a consistent way.
Latest revision: October 1, 2023